data_AKV # AKV "{3-[(1R,3S)-1,3-DIHYDROXYPENTYL]-4,5,9,10-TETRAHYDROXY-2-ANTHRYL}ACETATE" _chem_comp.type NON-POLYMER _chem_comp.pdbx_type HETAIN _chem_comp.formula "C22 H22 O8" _chem_comp.mon_nstd_parent_comp_id ? _chem_comp.pdbx_synonyms "DERIVATIVE OF AKLANONIC ACID METHYL ESTER (AAME)" _chem_comp.pdbx_formal_charge 0 _chem_comp.pdbx_initial_date 2006-02-07 _chem_comp.pdbx_modified_date 2021-03-01 _chem_comp.pdbx_ambiguous_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_release_status REL _chem_comp.pdbx_replaced_by ? _chem_comp.pdbx_replaces ? _chem_comp.formula_weight 414.405 _chem_comp.one_letter_code ? _chem_comp.three_letter_code AKV _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_details ? _chem_comp.pdbx_ideal_coordinates_missing_flag N _chem_comp.pdbx_model_coordinates_db_code 2F99 _chem_comp.pdbx_subcomponent_list ? _chem_comp.pdbx_processing_site RCSB # # loop_ _chem_comp_atom.comp_id _chem_comp_atom.atom_id _chem_comp_atom.alt_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.type_symbol _chem_comp_atom.charge _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_align _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_leaving_atom_flag _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_x _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_y _chem_comp_atom.model_Cartn_z _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_x_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_y_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_model_Cartn_z_ideal _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_atom_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_component_comp_id _chem_comp_atom.pdbx_ordinal AKV O20 O20 O 0 1 N N N 15.619 7.150 16.691 -2.427 1.866 1.442 O20 AKV 1 AKV C5 C5 C 0 1 N N N 15.943 7.550 15.551 -2.513 0.930 0.670 C5 AKV 2 AKV C17 C17 C 0 1 Y N N 16.120 6.621 14.511 -1.305 0.189 0.258 C17 AKV 3 AKV C6 C6 C 0 1 Y N N 15.933 5.237 14.738 -0.033 0.708 0.508 C6 AKV 4 AKV O21 O21 O 0 1 N N N 15.573 4.801 15.977 0.105 1.902 1.136 O21 AKV 5 AKV C16 C16 C 0 1 Y N N 16.127 8.926 15.336 -3.827 0.523 0.135 C16 AKV 6 AKV C4 C4 C 0 1 Y N N 15.954 9.852 16.378 -4.938 1.359 0.266 C4 AKV 7 AKV O19 O19 O 0 1 N N N 15.597 9.427 17.625 -4.820 2.557 0.889 O19 AKV 8 AKV C3 C3 C 0 1 Y N N 16.136 11.220 16.155 -6.168 0.954 -0.246 C3 AKV 9 AKV C2 C2 C 0 1 Y N N 16.505 11.665 14.888 -6.293 -0.264 -0.881 C2 AKV 10 AKV C1 C1 C 0 1 Y N N 16.684 10.751 13.848 -5.199 -1.103 -1.019 C1 AKV 11 AKV C21 C21 C 0 1 Y N N 16.498 9.381 14.069 -3.962 -0.718 -0.516 C21 AKV 12 AKV C12 C12 C 0 1 N N N 16.676 8.467 13.027 -2.784 -1.601 -0.658 C12 AKV 13 AKV O18 O18 O 0 1 N N N 17.002 8.889 11.886 -2.921 -2.763 -0.988 O18 AKV 14 AKV C18 C18 C 0 1 Y N N 16.489 7.093 13.245 -1.436 -1.052 -0.395 C18 AKV 15 AKV C11 C11 C 0 1 Y N N 16.671 6.195 12.185 -0.299 -1.750 -0.785 C11 AKV 16 AKV C19 C19 C 0 1 Y N N 16.501 4.823 12.361 0.958 -1.220 -0.536 C19 AKV 17 AKV C10 C10 C 0 1 N N N 16.700 3.923 11.192 2.187 -1.981 -0.961 C10 AKV 18 AKV C14 C14 C 0 1 N N N 18.034 3.456 11.083 2.696 -2.801 0.197 C14 AKV 19 AKV O16 O16 O 0 1 N N N 18.434 2.236 11.783 3.789 -3.565 0.049 O16 AKV 20 AKV C15 C15 C 0 1 N N N 19.229 1.406 10.932 4.280 -4.354 1.165 C15 AKV 21 AKV O17 O17 O 0 1 N N N 18.896 4.209 10.657 2.120 -2.769 1.259 O17 AKV 22 AKV C20 C20 C 0 1 Y N N 16.095 4.299 13.713 1.093 -0.008 0.109 C20 AKV 23 AKV C7 C7 C 0 1 N N R 15.908 2.800 13.930 2.468 0.548 0.377 C7 AKV 24 AKV O22 O22 O 0 1 N N N 15.661 2.165 12.710 2.539 1.012 1.726 O22 AKV 25 AKV C8 C8 C 0 1 N N N 14.833 2.360 14.851 2.743 1.712 -0.578 C8 AKV 26 AKV C9 C9 C 0 1 N N S 14.634 0.951 14.767 4.182 2.196 -0.392 C9 AKV 27 AKV O23 O23 O 0 1 N N N 15.519 0.203 14.208 5.087 1.162 -0.786 O23 AKV 28 AKV C13 C13 C 0 1 N N N 13.564 0.322 15.421 4.419 3.437 -1.254 C13 AKV 29 AKV C22 C22 C 0 1 N N N 13.507 -1.045 15.039 5.816 3.994 -0.975 C22 AKV 30 AKV H21 H21 H 0 1 N N N 15.489 3.855 15.968 0.118 2.580 0.447 H21 AKV 31 AKV H19 H19 H 0 1 N N N 15.514 8.481 17.626 -4.591 3.205 0.209 H19 AKV 32 AKV H3 H3 H 0 1 N N N 15.992 11.926 16.959 -7.029 1.598 -0.146 H3 AKV 33 AKV H2 H2 H 0 1 N N N 16.653 12.720 14.710 -7.253 -0.567 -1.274 H2 AKV 34 AKV H1 H1 H 0 1 N N N 16.968 11.103 12.867 -5.307 -2.055 -1.518 H1 AKV 35 AKV H11 H11 H 0 1 N N N 16.949 6.574 11.212 -0.395 -2.702 -1.285 H11 AKV 36 AKV H101 1H10 H 0 0 N N N 16.472 4.500 10.283 1.936 -2.642 -1.791 H101 AKV 37 AKV H102 2H10 H 0 0 N N N 16.036 3.054 11.306 2.958 -1.279 -1.276 H102 AKV 38 AKV H151 1H15 H 0 0 N N N 18.686 0.474 10.718 5.169 -4.905 0.857 H151 AKV 39 AKV H152 2H15 H 0 0 N N N 20.179 1.171 11.433 4.531 -3.694 1.995 H152 AKV 40 AKV H153 3H15 H 0 0 N N N 19.433 1.935 9.990 3.508 -5.057 1.480 H153 AKV 41 AKV H7 H7 H 0 1 N N N 16.857 2.519 14.410 3.213 -0.233 0.221 H7 AKV 42 AKV H22 H22 H 0 1 N N N 15.605 2.815 12.020 1.962 1.785 1.787 H22 AKV 43 AKV H81 1H8 H 0 1 N N N 13.898 2.865 14.566 2.054 2.529 -0.362 H81 AKV 44 AKV H82 2H8 H 0 1 N N N 15.116 2.620 15.882 2.601 1.380 -1.606 H82 AKV 45 AKV H9 H9 H 0 1 N N N 14.034 1.333 13.928 4.349 2.445 0.656 H9 AKV 46 AKV H23 H23 H 0 1 N N N 15.259 0.019 13.313 4.906 0.973 -1.717 H23 AKV 47 AKV H131 1H13 H 0 0 N N N 12.623 0.818 15.141 3.671 4.194 -1.015 H131 AKV 48 AKV H132 2H13 H 0 0 N N N 13.709 0.392 16.509 4.339 3.168 -2.308 H132 AKV 49 AKV H221 1H22 H 0 0 N N N 12.595 -1.502 15.449 5.896 4.263 0.078 H221 AKV 50 AKV H222 2H22 H 0 0 N N N 14.390 -1.572 15.430 6.563 3.237 -1.214 H222 AKV 51 AKV H223 3H22 H 0 0 N N N 13.492 -1.119 13.942 5.985 4.878 -1.589 H223 AKV 52 # # loop_ _chem_comp_bond.comp_id _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_1 _chem_comp_bond.atom_id_2 _chem_comp_bond.value_order _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_aromatic_flag _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_stereo_config _chem_comp_bond.pdbx_ordinal AKV O20 C5 DOUB N N 1 AKV C5 C17 SING N N 2 AKV C5 C16 SING N N 3 AKV C17 C6 SING Y N 4 AKV C17 C18 DOUB Y N 5 AKV C6 O21 SING N N 6 AKV C6 C20 DOUB Y N 7 AKV O21 H21 SING N N 8 AKV C16 C4 DOUB Y N 9 AKV C16 C21 SING Y N 10 AKV C4 O19 SING N N 11 AKV C4 C3 SING Y N 12 AKV O19 H19 SING N N 13 AKV C3 C2 DOUB Y N 14 AKV C3 H3 SING N N 15 AKV C2 C1 SING Y N 16 AKV C2 H2 SING N N 17 AKV C1 C21 DOUB Y N 18 AKV C1 H1 SING N N 19 AKV C21 C12 SING N N 20 AKV C12 O18 DOUB N N 21 AKV C12 C18 SING N N 22 AKV C18 C11 SING Y N 23 AKV C11 C19 DOUB Y N 24 AKV C11 H11 SING N N 25 AKV C19 C10 SING N N 26 AKV C19 C20 SING Y N 27 AKV C10 C14 SING N N 28 AKV C10 H101 SING N N 29 AKV C10 H102 SING N N 30 AKV C14 O16 SING N N 31 AKV C14 O17 DOUB N N 32 AKV O16 C15 SING N N 33 AKV C15 H151 SING N N 34 AKV C15 H152 SING N N 35 AKV C15 H153 SING N N 36 AKV C20 C7 SING N N 37 AKV C7 O22 SING N N 38 AKV C7 C8 SING N N 39 AKV C7 H7 SING N N 40 AKV O22 H22 SING N N 41 AKV C8 C9 SING N N 42 AKV C8 H81 SING N N 43 AKV C8 H82 SING N N 44 AKV C9 O23 SING N N 45 AKV C9 C13 SING N N 46 AKV C9 H9 SING N N 47 AKV O23 H23 SING N N 48 AKV C13 C22 SING N N 49 AKV C13 H131 SING N N 50 AKV C13 H132 SING N N 51 AKV C22 H221 SING N N 52 AKV C22 H222 SING N N 53 AKV C22 H223 SING N N 54 # # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.type _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_descriptor.descriptor AKV SMILES ACDLabs 10.04 "O=C2c1cccc(O)c1C(=O)c3c2cc(c(c3O)C(O)CC(O)CC)CC(=O)OC" AKV SMILES_CANONICAL CACTVS 3.341 "CC[C@H](O)C[C@@H](O)c1c(O)c2C(=O)c3c(O)cccc3C(=O)c2cc1CC(=O)OC" AKV SMILES CACTVS 3.341 "CC[CH](O)C[CH](O)c1c(O)c2C(=O)c3c(O)cccc3C(=O)c2cc1CC(=O)OC" AKV SMILES_CANONICAL "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "CCC(C[C@H](c1c(cc2c(c1O)C(=O)c3c(cccc3O)C2=O)CC(=O)OC)O)O" AKV SMILES "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "CCC(CC(c1c(cc2c(c1O)C(=O)c3c(cccc3O)C2=O)CC(=O)OC)O)O" AKV InChI InChI 1.03 "InChI=1S/C22H22O8/c1-3-11(23)9-15(25)17-10(8-16(26)30-2)7-13-19(21(17)28)22(29)18-12(20(13)27)5-4-6-14(18)24/h4-7,11,15,23-25,28H,3,8-9H2,1-2H3/t11-,15+/m0/s1" AKV InChIKey InChI 1.03 SIHNJMGWRHPFAZ-XHDPSFHLSA-N # # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.type _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.program_version _pdbx_chem_comp_identifier.identifier AKV "SYSTEMATIC NAME" ACDLabs 10.04 "methyl {3-[(1R,3S)-1,3-dihydroxypentyl]-4,5-dihydroxy-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydroanthracen-2-yl}acetate" AKV "SYSTEMATIC NAME" "OpenEye OEToolkits" 1.5.0 "methyl 2-[3-[(1R)-1,3-dihydroxypentyl]-4,5-dihydroxy-9,10-dioxo-anthracen-2-yl]ethanoate" # # loop_ _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.comp_id _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.action_type _pdbx_chem_comp_audit.processing_site AKV "Create component" 2006-02-07 RCSB AKV "Modify descriptor" 2011-06-04 RCSB AKV "Modify synonyms" 2021-03-01 PDBE # _pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms.ordinal 1 _pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms.comp_id AKV "DERIVATIVE OF AKLANONIC ACID METHYL ESTER (AAME)" _pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms.provenance ? _pdbx_chem_comp_synonyms.type ? ##